Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tennessee, Man chases two suspects in N. Knox purse snatching

Curtis Smith tracked down a pair of purse snatching suspects on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle on Wednesday. Smith's efforts helped police find the two suspects, who each have been charged with one count of aggravated assault and theft.

When a woman ran screaming from a North Knoxville business that a man had snatched her purse, an Outlaw answered her plea for help.

"It's just what you do," Curtis Smith said Thursday, explaining why he placed himself in danger to help a stranger.

The 58-year-old Smith was at the parking lot of the Walgreens on Clinton Highway about 6:12 p.m. Wednesday getting a prescription for his 16-year-old daughter.

That's when Shelly Smith of Heiskell came running from the store yelling for help. She was chasing a man who had her purse tucked under his arm. The Smiths are not related.

Court records show that Shelly Smith was pushing a buggy through the store when she took note of a man walking behind her "with his finger in front of his face." The man walked in front of Shelly Smith, then quickly swung around, grabbed her purse from the buggy and bolted from the store.

Curtis Smith said a couple of people also ran after the fleeing thief, but the suspect was too quick.

"This guy could have been a track star," Curtis Smith said. "He was pretty quick."

The suspect ran behind the store and jumped into the passenger seat of a primer black Geo Prism commandeered by a woman. The car sped away onto Clinton Highway. Curtis Smith told his daughter to wait, and off he went on his Harley-Davidson V-Rod in pursuit.

When the Prism stopped for the traffic light at Clinton Highway and Merchants Drive, Smith pulled his motorcycle in front of the Prism and approached the car. When he demanded the driver surrender the stolen purse, the couple in the car "yelled and screamed to leave them alone," he said.

Smith said that when the woman driving the car rolled down her window, he saw the purse in the back seat. So he reached into the open window to grab the purse. With his arm extended into the rear seat, the driver then backed up and zipped onto Merchants Drive.

"The people stepped on the gas and took me for a ride," Smith said. "I figured I better let go before they dragged me through the intersection."

After being dragged about 20 feet, Smith was sent tumbling onto the pavement.

"I did take a good head hit on the pavement, but luckily my helmet protected me," Smith said. Another motorist watching the events followed the Prism to Tillery Ridge Apartments, 1716 Merchants Drive. Police found the couple in the apartment they listed as their residence.

Police found not only the pilfered purse in the apartment, but also items allegedly stolen earlier that day in a Knox County home burglary, according to authorities. Charges are pending in that theft.

Police charged Samantha Lorin Terry, 22, and John F. Park Jr., also 22, each with one count of aggravated assault and theft.

Terry was being held Thursday in the Knox County Sheriff's Detention Facility in lieu of $8,000 bond. Park was being held in jail in lieu of $5,500 bond.

Records show that Terry was given diversion in 2007 on a drug charge. She is facing trial March 7, 2011, on a felony theft charge.

Curtis Smith said his knee, neck and shoulder are sore from being dragged along Clinton Highway. But Smith, who owns Custom Motorcycle Specialties, 5319 Clinton Highway, said he'd do it all again.

Curtis Smith said that when he met Shelly Smith at police headquarters to provide statements for the investigation, she made a heart-warming comment.

"She said I was her hero," said Curtis Smith, who is a member of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club.

Don Jacobs may be reached at 865-342-6345.