Monday, October 4, 2010

MRF News Release - Congress Expresses Concern withFederal Motorcycle Roadside Checkpoint Grant Program

Note that only one of the signers is a member of the Congressional
Motorcycle Safety Caucus. The rest are AWOL. And I was always told that
Burgess and Giffords were "avid motorcycle enthusiasts". And that reminds of
my prayer, "Oh God, save me from the "avid motorcycle enthusiasts".
Congressional Motorcycle Safety Caucus members:

I did not see "Filner" on the list of signers. As a San Diego Congressman who sits on the Motorcycle Safety Caucus and says he FULLY supports Biker Rights he should have been the first name.

Copy of the letter and signatures:

Michael Burgess TX R Co-Chair

Gabrielle Giffords AZ D Co-Chair

Tim Walz MN D Member

Bob Filner CAD Member

John Duncan CAD Member

Michael Conaway TXRMember

Chet Edwards TXDMember

G.K. Butterfield NCDMember

Bart Stupak MIDMember

Randy Forbes VARMember
Doug Lamborn CORMember
MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation
> 236 Massachusetts Ave. NE | Suite 510 | Washington, DC 20002-4980
> 202-546-0983 (voice) | 202-546-0986 (fax) |
> 10NR27 - MRF News Release - Congress Expresses Concern with Federal
> Motorcycle Roadside Checkpoint Grant Program
> 30 September 2010
> Contact: Jeff Hennie, Government Relations and Public Affairs
> Congress Expresses Concern with Federal Motorcycle Roadside Checkpoint Grant
> Program
> US Representatives call for the suspension of Federally funded
> motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints. US Representative James Sensenbrenner
> (WI) took the lead on a letter to Ray LaHood, Secretary of the United States
> Department of Transportation, asking him to address the benefits of
> motorcycle only checkpoints. As previously announced by the MRF, LaHood’s
> DOT recently asked for applications from law enforcement agencies to conduct
> federally funded motorcycle-only roadside checkpoints.
> The letter goes on to encourage Mr. LaHood to suspend funding for National
> Highway Traffic Safety Administrator David Strickland's program until the
> questions are answered. Sensenbrenner was joined on the letter by
> Representatives; Petri (WI), Jones (NC), Schock (IL), Lanborn (IA), McCotter
> (MI), Ryan (WI), Rehberg (MT), Terry (NE), Paul (TX), and Wilson (SC). Of
> note are Shock and Wilson who have respectively key noted Motorcycle Riders
> Foundation Meeting of Minds and Beast of the East this year.
> The MRF would like to thank all of those who heeded the call to gather
> support for this important matter. Should you be fortunate enough to have
> one of these outstanding Members of Congress that signed onto the letter,
> the MRF encourages you to contact them and thank them. Ralph Bell of ABATE
> of SC had this to say to his Member of Congress, Joe Wilson: "I not only
> appreciate your signing on this letter but applaud your no nonsense
> understanding of what Freedom is. This grant is definitely against all of
> our Freedoms and discriminates against us because of what we ride. Thanks
> again for your support."
> The letter asks that Ray LaHood, Secretary of the United States Department
> of Transportation, address the benefits of motorcycle-only checkpoints by
> October 13th. The letter goes on to encourage Mr. LaHood to suspend funding
> for National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator Strickland;s program.
> Read the letter here.
> The Motorcycle Riders Foundation will keep you updated on this issue.