Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Commentary by John

There are some good riding manuals that have been printed about group riding, and the main idea is getting to a goal, in the most productive way, while enjoying the company of your fellow riders.
We ride together keeping to a set form, such as staggered riding, two or three second following distance, watching out for each other, riding steadily towards our goals. Some riders put more into the day, some less….but we do it as a team.
It sounds kind of like ABATE….doesn’t it ? We prepare for our ride by gathering information. We discuss what our goal should be, whether it is anarchistic laws that try to keep us from living the way we would like, or governments who take our money, but don’t use the money to repair the roads.
Now that we have decided on a goal, or a number of goals, we start out together. We have decided certain guidelines to keep us from running into each other, and we are in communication so that we can try to learn from each other. Some people do more for the organization, some less, some just show up, but all are part of the team. Some drop out along the way, and others join in the ride
We pull together and ride together, heading in the same direction, everything that we do is for the purpose of reaching our goal, and everything we do as an ABATE group, is pointing the troops toward the successful end to the critical elections. Going forward, one for all and all for one. C’mon ! Join in !

By the same token, you can often hear members of other MRO's or groups badmouthing other groups..... "Hey, AMA doesn't do this......" or "BOLT did such-and such, and I don't like that" "ABATE is not radical enough for me....." What a waste of energy this stuff is ! Working together is much more productive. Just take a look at the motorcycle organizations in Europe....They have their own groups, but then all of them belong to a Europe-wide organization (FEMA). Last year when they had something needed in France, Ten Thousand bikes showed up for the protest ! Now that's the way to show your strength. Think Solidarity !

John Del Santo
( 619 ) 223-0421