Friday, October 1, 2010

CA LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Governor Schwarzenegger Signs SB 435 Into Law

Subject: CA LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Governor Schwarzenegger Signs SB 435 Into Law

Arnold signs the sticker matching bill, SB 435 into law.
My compliments to the one million riders of California for screwing this one up, royally....but it goes deeper than that.
I am a registered Republican and a motorcycle rider that has been betrayed by a guy with an (R) after his name...who happens to ride, well, at least OWN a motorcycle or two...I don't think he really rides....or hangs out with "real" riders or carries tools or changes his own oil....I think it's all about being seen for this guy, which I'll explain later.
As for SB 435, I'm pretty sure not ONE (R) legislator voted for this bill in any committee - or in either house....which pretty much tells you which team is FOR Riders "Rights"....and which team is AGAINST Rider's "Rights".
Oh...that's right....Ah-nuld's "R" stands for "RINO"...Republican In Name Only...what a bitter disappointment this schmuckinegger schmuckinator has been to the riders of California.
Some "Biker" he turned out to be....more like the "Poseur" I always imagined him to be....the typical Hollywood faker...or, I guess you could call it, "acting".
I don't need a group of people around me to enhance my love for/of any true addict, you know you have an addiction problem when you find yourself drinking or RIDING alone.
I used to like Ah-nuld...back in the bodybuilding/terminator days....but since Conan the Destroyer, Terminator 3, that Danny DeVito movie, splitting his lip without an M1 license on a sidehack, and especially after signing SB 435, I've got nuthin' nice to say about him, anymore.....
.....unless he somehow miraculously issues that directive I've been askin' for, for years, directing the CHP (submissive functionary of the executive branch) to establish criteria which would declare that the only "legal" helmet in California is that helmet which is MANUFACTURED in California - by California workers.
The CHP is charged with establishing the criteria for "legal" helmets. The key phrase in VC 27802; "regulations shall include, but are not limited to" points out that those subjective criteria are amiable to change.
I've always looked at it as an economic stimulus/jobs bill type thing.
And due to the fact that nobody manufactures helmets in California, there can be no such thing as a "legal" helmet. No list - no law type thinkin'...those BOLT™ guys got somethin' there.
Perhaps now everyone will appreciate the merit of Doug's "Ride 2 Repeal" plan ( ) far as I'm concerned, it's the ONLY game in town.
To waste your time on any other project, for the next 34 days, 7 hours and 35 minutes - at this time - election time....shows a complete lack of understanding of exactly where our biggest problem lies; SACRAMENTO!
It ain't that hard to figure out.
It's quite obvious, politicians don't listen to polls, petitions, letters, faxes or phone calls from the public. They listen to the select few people that got 'em into office. That union. That environmental group. That abortion group. That pharmaceutical company. That big corporation. And...THAT LITTLE CAMPAIGN WORKER. I've known it since the "old guard" taught me that back in the 90's. The legends; Lax, Oz, Milky, Nemecek, Paliwoda, Theodore, Cromwell, Daniels, Schneider, Rinkes, Pruitt, Thomas, Daley, VanDerWeyde, Getty, Howell and yes, even NY Myke, are just a FEW of the names I can think of - off the top of my head. Somewhere along the way, we lost touch with reality and got lazy, soft and weak....and we wonder why we are where we are.
As far as I'm concerned, the Ride 2 Repeal plan is the ONLY way to effectuate the change we mentioned before, it ain't a new plan to us "old-timers", it's simply dusting off the OLD ABATEPAC ways....and it's so damn simple it's ridiculous......
Quality, not quantity. Less moving parts. No-nonsense. Common sense. Tastes Great. Less Filling.
So, visit www.ride2repeal ....pick a race and a candidate, take a shower, dress respectfully (yet still like a Biker - ugh, I absolutely HATE the HD™ motorclothes™ zombies, but it does epitomize "tasteful" Biker attire...*cringe*) and RIDE yer ass down to campaign headquarters and make yourself known to the candidate and campaign manager, but more importantly, the STAFF.
The politician is usually clueless...most often, a puppet...often doing what the party chair or the Chief of Staff tells him/her to do, everyday. Walk here. Go there. Say this. Wear that. Don't do that. VOTE THIS WAY. You need to get your hands on some of those puppet strings.
The key to reaching ANY politician is having an excellent rapport with his/her you treat the staff like GOLD. As an individual, you buy the staff lunch. Have pizza parties at the district office. Give them tickets to the opera, fix their car, babysit their kids, walk their dog, feed their cat.....if the staff likes you, your message/pink memo makes it to the big guy's desk. If you come across as trash, that's where your message ends up; IN the trash. Even misanthropes (like me) can make brownie-points by doing good deeds for the staff, and always showing them courtesy and respect.
I just wanted to put in my two centavos worth - at the Canadian exchange rate.
This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it.
Don't bother emailin' me.....I'm no longer a slave to my email, nor do I monitor it....and I'm NOT an active participant of your movement, anymore...I've put myself in the penalty box because far too many people just don't "get it" - and I just don't have the time/energy to fight or explain it, anymore....there are bigger issues at hand.....cos there ain't gonna be any good ridin' if we ain't got a COUNTRY to ride in.
TEA, anyone?
“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.” ~Theodore Roosevelt
From the Governator's Office........
Legislative Update
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed 21 bills and vetoed 14 bills:


SB 76 by Committee on Public Safety - Committee on Public Safety: Inmates: incentive credits.
SB 228 by Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord) - Plastic bags: compostable plastic bags.
SB 435 by Senator Fran Pavley (D-West Hollywood) - Vehicles: pollution control devices.
SB 1058 by Senator Tom Harman (R-Huntington Beach) - Hunting and fishing.

SB 1143 by Senator Carol Liu (D-Glendale) - Community colleges: student success and completion: taskforce and plan.

SB 1179 by Senator Dennis Hollingsworth (R-Murrieta) - Free hunting days.

SB 1224 by Senator Roderick Wright (D-Inglewood) - Air discharges.

SB 1345 by Senator Ron Calderon (D-Montebello) - Prohibited importation of dead animal parts.

SB 1402 by Senator Bob Dutton (R-Rancho Cucamonga) - State Air Resources Board: administrative and civil penalties.

SB 1477 by Committee on Environmental Quality - California Pollution Control Financing Authority.

SB 1491 by Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development - Professions and vocations.

AB 867 by Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) - California State University: Doctor of Nursing Practice degree pilot program.

AB 1004 by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge) - Solid waste: State Solid Waste Postclosure and Corrective Action Trust Fund.

AB 1011 by Assemblymember Dave Jones (D-Sacramento) - Insurance: green investments.

AB 1254 by Assemblymember Tom Berryhill (R-Modesto) - Fish and Game Commission: wildlife.

AB 1343 by Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-Marin) - Solid waste: architectural paint: recovery program.

AB 1944 by Assemblymember Nathan Fletcher (R-San Diego) - Vehicles: special license plates: disabled veterans.

AB 2037 by Assemblymember V. Manuel Pérez (D-Coachella) - Electricity: air pollution.

AB 2305 by Assemblymember Steve Knight (R-Antelope Valley) - Contractors: workers' compensation insurance coverage.

AB 2376 by Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-Marin) - Fish and wildlife: strategic vision.

AB 2382 by Assemblymember Bob Blumenfield (D -San Fernando Valley) - California State University: Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees.


SB 1207 by Senator Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego) - Land use: general plan: safety element: fire hazard impacts. See attached veto message.

SB 1433 by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) - Air pollution penalties: inflation adjustments. See attached veto message.

SB 1444 by Senator Loni Hancock (D-Oakland) - Pupil instruction: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. See attached veto message.

SB 1451 by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) - Education: instructional materials. See attached veto message.

SB 1454 by Senator Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord) - Recycling: plastic products. See attached veto message.

AB 97 by Assemblymember Tom Torlakson (D-Contra Costa) - School curriculum: content standards. See attached veto message.

AB 391 by Assemblymember Tom Torlakson (D-Contra Costa) - Pupil assessment: STAR Program. See attached veto message.

AB 737 by Assemblymember Wesley Chesbro (D-North Coast) - Solid waste: diversion. See attached veto message.

AB 979 by Assemblymember Tom Berryhill (R-Modesto) - Hunting or fishing: local regulation. See attached veto message.

AB 1223 by Assemblymember Marty Block (D-San Diego) - Linked learning. See attached veto message.

AB 1570 by Assemblymember Mary Salas (D-Chula Vista) - Malpractice insurance: volunteer dentists. See attached veto message.

AB 1712 by Assemblymember Warren Furutani (D–South Los Angeles County) - School employees: leaves of absence: classified employees elected to Legislature. See attached veto message.

AB 2063 by Assemblymember Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) - Fish: Chinook and Coho salmon. See attached veto message.

AB 2682 by Assemblymember Marty Block (D-San Diego) - Community colleges: student assessments: pilot project: California Community Colleges Common Assessment. See attached veto message.

(Note: Click on bill number for more information on the bill.)