Friday, October 1, 2010

Boost motorcycle noise and face being fined

OFF THE WIRE Boost motorcycle noise and face being fined Posted at 12:08 AM on Wednesday, Sep. 29, 2010 Motorcyclists who tamper with their vehicle's emissions equipment to increase noise can be cited under legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Schwarzenegger, a motorcyclist himself, signed Senate Bill 435 to authorize state enforcement of a federal requirement that motorcycles display a label showing they meet noise limits.
The law applies to motorcycles or exhaust systems manufactured after Jan. 1, 2013. First-time offenders may be fined $50 to $100, which a judge may dismiss with proof of correction.
– Jim Sanders, Bee Capitol Bureau


SB-435 has passed in the California legislature
To stay in touch with our industry I get Cyril Huze's Blog.
Call To Action Regarding Pollution Control Devices In California Published by Cyril Huze September 23rd, 2010 in Editorial.
I publish below a call for action on behalf of ABATE Of California (American Bikers Towards Education) and BOLT (Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance) regarding recently passed legislation, California SB-435.
Vehicles: pollution control devices. SB-435 has passed in the California legislature and the Governor has until September 30th to decide to sign it into law, veto the bill or do nothing in which case the bill becomes law. All motorcyclists in the USA are urged to call, email or fax California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to urge him to use his Power of Veto to stop this bill before the September 30, 2010 deadline. Unchecked, this type of legislation will be spreading nation wide. Disguised as a pollution control bill, it is actually a noise control bill and there are already laws in California dealing with noise. This bill places an undue burden on motorcyclists, endangers the cottage industry of after market manufacturers as well as custom builders and hobbyists and does nothing to control emissions.
Visit BOLT USA for more information on the bill and the Call to Action and call, email or fax today. We must unite and tell Governor Schwarzenegger this bill is not wanted or needed. He has stated that he is remaining neutral until he hears from the public before the September 30th deadline. Please act on this request and post it on your social network pages and forward to friends.
Governor’s Office. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814. Phone: (916) 445-2841. Fax: (916) 558-3160. To email go to Governor Of California and click on tab “Interact”
2009 Motorcycle Fatalities are down
The reports are in and we are not getting run over as much as we used to. What are you doing to ride safe? 1st and for most do a pre-ride check list I'm assuming that you ride and have a general interest in wrenching Fact is you do not need to turn a wrench to make sure your ride is safe Check the tires - tread and air pressure - or learn like me and have a front tire roll off the bead and go flat when riding around a curve in NorCal Check your lights - all of them - people need to see us - lights help Check your fluids - your ride needs to be hydrated to run well Check for anything that is loose - nuts - bolts - air intakes
Keep Learning
We sometimes ride the same roads and get used to certain situations. It's important to keep honing or riding skills. The Ride Like A Pro DVD series provides a review of basic skills and expands on them to bring us to the next level. Jerry is the industries teacher of "how to" ride. Check out the series, set up some cones, get some buds and run the course.
Need a person to bark orders at you? Try the MSF courses and the riding courses offered at some of the HD dealer network.