Tuesday, October 12, 2010

BOLT stands for Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance

BOLT stands for Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance. Our focus is primarily legislative action, through direct contact with legislative representatives, or through the judicial system where direct challenge to unjust laws will garner legislative attention.
"Compromise" is not in our vocabulary.
It is our objective to form the nucleus of committed individuals who are opposed to oppresive and intrusive laws affecting the sport of motorcycling. Our efforts will be on both the state and federal level. We will maintain a list of high profile individuals to contact for information or possible speaking engagements, offer testimony, appearances before committees, etc., in order to inform and educate legislators and the public.
Compilation of complete, accurate and impressive data will accomodate our effort to refute the lies and distortions being perpetrated on the American Public by such agencies as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Insurance Industry, the U.S. DOT, the California Highway Patrol, the American Medical Association, the Center for Disease Control, AAA, and others.
We will inform the legislature and the public of the true figures and statistics in order to protect them from deceit. We will endeavour to stop the passage of helmet laws based on fraudulent or manipulated statistics.
We will approach politicians on every subject related to our sport and our freedom, unyielding in our attack against ignorance and legislative protectionism. We will continue to take our case to the court system until justice for mtorcyclists is served.
We will exercise every right afforded to us to continue the batttle until victory is ours.

Tony "Pan" Sanfelipo, Founder