Sunday, October 24, 2010

Australia, Bikies to face police show of force


THE Herald Sun welcomes the revelation by Deputy Commissioner (Crime) Sir Ken Jones that Victoria Police has reversed its earlier view that bikie gangs were not a high priority in this state.
Accordingly, a plan to combat bikies will be set in place next week by senior police, detectives and intelligence officers.

Sir Ken said bikies were active in the security industry, nightclubs and brothels, and that the number of fully fledged members of outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia had jumped from 3000 to 4000 in the past three years, an increase of 33 per cent. However, he does not believe Victoria is an attractive base for bikies because of the state's softer laws.

On the vexed subject of bikie fortresses, he said: "My advice to people involved in any of these illegal organised crime activities who choose to fortify their premises is to start dismantling it now."