Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Australia, Bikies not all baddies, says magistrate

BY: Nathan Klein
Source: dailytelegraph.com.au

THE tactics of a police squad set up to target outlaw motorcycle gangs has come under fire, with a magistrate ordering the NSW Police Force to pay more than $100,000 in court costs.
In Penrith Local Court, Magistrate Jennifer Betts accused police of unfairly targeting bikies "just because of who they are" when she dismissed the charges against eight Nomads members. She said it was a knee-jerk reaction and police were unable to prove any of the charges.
The bikies had been charged by highway patrol officers with multiple traffic offences after being stopped while participating in a ride on the Great Western Hwy at Werrington.
Police claimed some of the men were zipping through traffic without indicating, obscuring number plates, speeding and not stopping their motorcycles when directed.
Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas last night said police would examine the decision and were likely to appeal.