Monday, October 25, 2010

Australia, Biker`s wanted over strip club fight

Anthony Dowsley From: Herald Sun
BANDIDOS motorcycle gang members are being sought by police after five strip club workers were brutally bashed early yesterday.
A citywide hunt is under way to find the five gang members, who became violent when told by Centrefold Lounge management the club was closing.

Police say five men entered the strip club in King St some time after 6am, and after spending a short time there refused to leave when told the bar was shutting.

A fight left one staff member with a suspected broken jaw, and others with cuts and bruises. The victims, aged between 21 and 50, included two bar staff, two security guards and a manager.

All were taken to hospital for treatment.

The bikies were aged in their 40s to 50s.

Police are looking for them after viewing CCTV footage from the venue.

Detectives and forensics specialists were called to the strip club soon after the bashings and have interviewed several witnesses.

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Centrefold Lounge director Peter Iwaniuk said outlaw bikie members were not welcome at his club, were not regulars and wore no identifying clothing.

"I don't know what their motive was really," he said. "They were rude to a staff member and for absolutely no reason they were out to misbehave.

"For no reason they just went nuts. We've never allowed bikie gangs in (our club). If they turned up in their bikie colours, they wouldn't get past the door.

"They were not regulars. They were well dressed and weren't obviously bikies.

"There are more and more problems in Melbourne because of these bikies. It's something that we deserve to be protected from.

"It's a vicious attack and it's the fault of the Government. Other states have harsh laws against bikie gangs and Victoria doesn't. They need to be disbanded."

A Victoria Police spokesman confirmed it was investigating bikie links.

"Our investigations indicate that people involved may have some connection with an outlaw motorcycle gang but nothing has been confirmed."

Deputy Commissioner Sir Ken Jones last week confirmed to the Herald Sun that bikies were a law enforcement priority and had become active in the security industry,

nightclubs and brothels as a means of enhancing their involvement in the drug trade.

Outlaw gangs are also expanding, with memberships up nationwide from 3000 to 4000 fully fledged members in the past three years.

Yesterday morning's incident was one of two ugly fights involving strip clubs.

Police were also called to an assault outside strip club Men's Gallery in Lonsdale St, where a man was "king hit" in an apparent gay bashing.

A witness said a man outside the club was set upon by three men who were harassing him.

The man was knocked unconscious and taken to hospital with serious head injuries and suspected spinal damage.