Saturday, October 9, 2010

Austraila, Police storm Coffin Cheaters headquarters

OFF THE WIRE Police storm Coffin Cheaters headquarters Lucy Rickard October 5, 2010

Bikie raid leaves police empty handed A raid on the Coffin Cheaters clubhouse has has failed to locate the weapon involved in the Perth Motorplex brawl.

Video feedback Video settings Police including dozens of heavily-armed tactical response group officers have stormed the headquarters of the Coffin Cheaters outlaw motorcycle gang yesterday afternoon.

The officers forced their way into the Beaconsfield property through a side gate after they received intelligence a weapon used during a brawl with rival Finks bikies at the Perth Motorplex on the weekend was located at the address.

A firearms search warrant was issued, allowing police to explore the property. The Coffin Cheaters clubhouse in Beaconsfield.

The raid comes after members of the Coffin Cheaters and Finks were involved in a violent outburst on Sunday during the Harley Street Bike drag racing event, which left three Fink members in hospital.

It was suspected one of the Coffin Cheaters spat on a rival member and a brawl ensued in the motorcycle preparation area, where a gun and knife were produced.

The noise of the motorcycles masked the gunshot and Finks members were quick to get the injured parties to hospital and away from the complex before police or complex management could be alerted.

Police stormed the Coffin Cheaters headquarters in Beaconsfield today.

Three Finks were admitted to hospital over the attack, including senior member Stephen Wallace who had three fingers severed by a knife, which were later reattached at Fremantle Hospital.

Police denied there was any advance warning to suggest that outlaw motorcycle gang members would attend the event.

However, the Club Deroes gang had a marquee at the event and given that it was a showcase for Harley Davidson motorcycles - the brand of motorcycle associated with gangs - officers were questioned over the lack of police presence.

The state government today announced it will investigate the event.