Thursday, October 7, 2010

Austraila, Government probes bikie link to drag racing event

OFF THE WIRE Government probes bikie link to drag racing event Aja Styles October , 2010

Motorbike riders peel out rubber during the drag racing event at Perth Motorplex which was marred by a bikie brawl. Photo: Phil Luyer – High Octane Photos

The state government will investigate a motorsport event held at a publicly-run venue that led to three outlaw motorcycle-gang members being hospitalised after a feud erupted with a rival gang.

Three members of the Finks motorcycle gang were admitted to hospital over the attack, including senior Finks bikie Stephen Wallace who had three fingers severed by a knife, which were later reattached at Fremantle Hospital.

It is understood another senior Fink was shot in the leg and taken to Royal Perth Hospital, while a third member was taken with head injuries to Fremantle Hospital but discharged that night.

The Finks are one of WA's most notorious motorcycle gangs.

The gang members came to the Harley Street Bike drag racing event at Perth Motorplex in Kwinana on Sunday, where rival gang Coffin Cheaters were also watching the event.

It was suspected one of the gang members spat on a rival member and a brawl ensued in the motorcycle preparation area, where a gun and knife were produced.

The noise of the motorcycles masked the gunshot and Finks members were quick to get the injured parties to hospital and away from the complex before police or complex management could be alerted.

Wallace was forced to seek first aid assistance at the complex to stem the blood from his severed fingers, but was quickly escorted to a waiting car. He underwent surgery in hospital that night to have the fingers reattached but police have yet to confirm whether it was successful.

Police denied there was any intelligence to suggest that outlaw motorcycle gang members would attend the event. However, the Club Deroes gang had a marquee at the event and the fact that it was a showcase for Harley Davidson motorcycles - the brand of motorcycle associated with gangs - officers were questioned over the lack of police presence.

"I find it surprising that there was an event which was probably to be expected to attract a bikie attendance and there weren't police there," Opposition Leader Eric Ripper said yesterday.

"There's always potential for serious violence between outlaw motorcycle gang members, it's something that the police have got to watch very carefully, it's something that the government's got to watch very carefully."

Government body VenuesWest owns and manages the Motorplex and, according to Motorplex managers, had to give final approval for the running of event, with the venue being leased out.

A spokesman for VenuesWest said they intended to look into the matter but refused to comment further as there was a police investigation underway.

The event applicant, National Sand Dragging Promotions' Troy Melbin, said it was a family event that had no bikie associations.

Detective Inspector Jeff Christmass confirmed there was no intelligence that would lead them to question the integrity of National Sand Dragging Promotions.

"We did not know this was going to happen, these type of events are street type of events which are promoted as family-orientated events, they occur all over that state and this is not unusual. This type of event happens all the time," he said.

"These type of people, like I said, are a criminal element. They are dealing in organised crime, this is what they exist for and they took advantage of this situation and this event to turn up on numbers and create this incident."

However, Premier Colin Barnett conceded that a lack of police presence was something to question and said his government would be investigating the matter.

"The drag strip and Motorplex complex is managed independently and as far as I am concerned it did nothing wrong in making the facility available to the group, it was the crowd that came along or some members of it," he said.

"But nevertheless we will look into that but I don't believe that the event manager did anything incorrect in that it just happened to be that a motor racing event involving motorbikes is bound to attract an element and some trouble erupted over it. I don't like the reasons behind it but it is unacceptable.

"A war between bikie groups is something that Western Australia simply does not need."

He said legislation that would grant greater powers to the Corruption and Crime Commission to investigate organised crime would be introduced to Parliament before Christmas.