Saturday, October 9, 2010

Action Alert Regarding Motorcycle Only Checkpoints

Here is a chance to let others know why you object to motorcycle only checkpoints

AMA (American Motorcyclist Association) and the NMA (National Motorist Association) has formally questioned the potential discriminatory and legal nature of Motorcycle Only Checkpoints or Roadblocks administered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Law enforcement officials may defend the program as a safety measure to decrease motorcycle crashes, injuries and fatalities, but here is no proof of its effectiveness. The practice, first modeled in New York State, has drawn the ire of thousands of motorcyclists nationally. NHTSA is now seeking up to five other law enforcement agencies, besides the state of New York, to participate in motorcycle-only checkpoints, and is offering $350,000 in federal funding.
The National Motorists Association has always opposed roadblocks, of any kind, and for any purpose other than warning travelers of an unforeseen danger; e.g. a collapsed bridge, flooded roadway, or multi-vehicle crash scene. Therefore it stands to reason that we would oppose the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) issuance of financial grants to fund motorcycle only roadblocks.

The AMA believes that the best way for NHTSA to reduce motorcycle crashes is to employ proven strategies, such as rider education and motorcycle awareness programs, that decrease the likelihood of crashes from ever occurring. These strategies must be research-based. Motorcyclists would be much better served by applying the funding to the national motorcycle crash causation study. To urge your Representative to support this important resolution, click here: