Friday, September 17, 2010

NHTSA is at it again


The Federal Government has no place in the individual States business, no matter what the reasoning. The States are sovereign and protected by the US Constitution. There is no Federal licensing program, so what would be the interest of NHTSA to standardize and regulate?
Every state in this great country has its own set of demographics, geographic and topography, and are protected by the US Constitution from interference from the Federal Government in the running of their business.

This is not a matter of the greater good. It is about CONTROL and to create a Socialistic society.

In 1975, Gerald Ford stopped the Federal coercion that the Feds were using to influence safety programs. Ronald Reagan fought to reduce the size and eliminate the methods of Federal Government influencing States. They both understood the slippery slope, and that federal coercion is wrong, and only leads to more.

Licensing is simply a Tax on individuals. If the Feds start to dictate what the program is, soon they will be looking to have a Federal tax on the states license process and eventually take over the licensing programs entirely..

Think about it. Why would we need a state DOL, if the feds are overseeing the creation and implementation of the driving program as a 'standard'?

NHTSA is not allowed, by law, to lobby legislature. This is a sideways attempt at doing just that. They have wasted federal tax monies to create a program that they have no business interest in. In economic times like we have today, the private citizen should be outraged at a waste of our tax base by this type/attempt at interfering in their sovereign Right.

Look at the list of participants in this unauthorized publication. The cost is staggering to put together a universal standard that already exists in every state. Talk about a waste of tax payers money, and public servants time.

I have no doubt that there will be a grant or stimulus program created to reward states for implementation. That is coercion, and is absolutely wrong!!

Follow the money and you will see why this is not necessary, and is invasive into the private citizens lives.

What is next? Mandatory governmental training? Mandatory riding gear? Limiting horsepower? Electric powered motorcycles? No motorcycles?

They just keep coming. If we stop them from lobbying the states directly, they work through the various governmental associations and backdoor the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators.

This is a continuation of the efforts to globalize the motorcycle community through FEMA and the UN. It is clear that there is a collaboration that is aimed directly at curtailing our liberties and restricting our freedom.

Get on your raincoat cuz a storm is coming our way. We need to get educated and anticipate their next move, or we are gonna get steamrolled!

Mr. Breeze