Friday, September 24, 2010

Listen to B.A.D. defend the actions of the Iron Horsemen MC on Slott Sloan's program at 700WLW

Bikers Against Discrimation (B.A.D.) appeared as a guest on Scott Sloan's morning talk show at 700WLW on Wednesday 9/22/2010. The point of discussion was the recent shootout between the Iron Horsemen MC and Cincinnati police.

B.A.D. holds the position that the actions taken by the members of the Iron Horsemen MC were in self defense. In addition, the poorly thought out actions of the Cincinnati police are what led to and are the root cause of the violent outcome of this "meeting" between police and the Iron Horsemen MC.

B.A.D. explains how media and government propaganda drive such discriminatory and overly agressive actions by local police, that end up as violent confrontations.