Sunday, September 5, 2010


Maine Governor John Baldacci on April 9, 2010 signed LD 1675 into law, requiring the state's 50,000 registered motorycles to carry inspection stickers that are "completely and clearly visible from the rear" starting in 2012. Fully 42% are never inspected, and MECALM believes many of those would fail because they lack a legal quiet muffler. The bill was written by the committee after being introduced at MECALM's behest by Sen. Nancy Sullivan (D-Biddeford). She introduced a "concept draft" to start the discussion. The focus on inspection and the final wording were developed by the Transportation Committee in consultation with Maine State Police.

The bill also sets up a task force to explore other methods of reducing motorcycle noise, including EPA exhaust labeling and sound testing, and report to the Transportation Committee by January 15, 2011.

LD1675 passed the Maine House by a vote of 104-33 on March 22. The Senate passed it April 5.

MECALM believes this bill is an important first step, but may have limited impact because it's easy to install a bike's original quiet muffler for inspection, then immediately swap it out for an illegally loud altered or after-market exhaust system.

Here is the actual wording of LD1675:

" . . . The certificate of inspection must be kept with the registration certificate of the motorcycle and the official inspection sticker must be affixed to the rear of the motorcycle:
A. On a mounting plate that must be securely fastened to the motorcycle frame or similar integral component of the motorcycle; or
B. On a rear fender or similar frame or integral body part of the motorcycle.
The official inspection sticker must be located so that it is completely and clearly visible from the rear of the motorcycle and may not be affixed to the registration plate.
Sec. 3. Working group; motorcycle noise. The Department of Public Safety, Bureau of State Police shall convene a working group to study issues relating to motorcycle noise. The working group must include, but is not limited to, representatives from affected citizen groups, local municipalities, the motorcycle industry, motorcycle enthusiast groups and local law enforcement agencies. The working group shall investigate and research industry sound testing standards, particularly the Society of Automotive Engineers Standard J2825, "Measurement of Exhaust Sound Pressure Levels of Stationary On-Highway Motorcycles," and the feasibility of incorporating United States Environmental Protection Agency noise emission labeling standards into state law. The report of the working group must include an analysis of motorcycle safety inspections and a requirement that an inspection sticker be displayed visibly on the motorcycle. The Bureau of State Police shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over transportation matters, with findings and recommendations, no later than January 15, 2011.

Sec. 4. Effective date. Those sections of this Act that amend the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 29-A, section 1758 take effect January 1, 2012.’


This amendment requires that, effective January 1, 2012, an inspection sticker for a motorcycle be affixed to the rear of the motorcycle either on a mounting plate or on a rear fender or similar frame or body part of the motorcycle. The amendment also directs the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of State Police to convene a working group to study the issue of motorcycle noise, including, but not limited to, industry sound testing standards, United States Environmental Protection Agency labeling guidelines for noise emissions, and motorcycle safety inspection requirements and to report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over transportation matters by January 15, 2011."