Sunday, September 26, 2010

Canada - RCMP responds to harassment allegation

Editor's note: The following letter from S/Sgt. Rick Robinson, commander of the Trinity Conception District RCMP, is in response to an article entitled "Hakapiks speak out" that appeared in the Sept. 14 edition of The Compass. In the article, the founder of the motorcycle club complained about "increased attention" and "harassment" from the RCMP. At the time, no one from the RCMP was available to comment on the allegations. In the interest of balance, The Compass has agreed to publish, in its entirety, Robinson's response to the allegations.

By S/Sgt. Rick Robinson

As the district commander for the Trinity Conception RCMP, I would like the general public to know that we have no issue with "Motorcycle Enthusiasts." I expect that many of our personal friends and many RCMP officers are "Motorcycle Enthusiasts," likely riding a variety of makes, including Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

I cannot speak about rumors or false assumptions, it is simply not the way the RCMP does business.

I will, though, re-assure our community residents that the Trinity Conception RCMP is dedicated to the safety of ALL of the people in our communities,

In that role it is our responsibility to investigate criminal activity, as well as suspected criminal activity, as it relates to any "individual" or any "group."

I think that the public has that expectation of the police. We investigate such matters when we feel that we have reason to do so. If that investigation leads us to an offence, then we will take the appropriate action. And likewise, if it does not lead us to an offence, then no action is taken.
I make no apologies for my officers conducting these investigations. It is our job.

Highway Traffic Act enforcement is also a part of the RCMP role. "Safe Roads, Safe Communities" is an RCMP initiative right across Canada. I suspect that the "cheesy provincial offence notices" that was referred to by the Hakapiks are actually our "Summary Offence Informations," commonly known as "Traffic Tickets."

I expect that many "law abiding" residents, likely commuters, are quite familiar with these. I know several upstanding residents that have joked with me about being on the receiving end of a traffic ticket for speeding. Most simply realize that they made a mistake and are quite ready to pay the penalty. There is also the option to dispute the ticket and have a decision made at provincial court if the driver feels the officer was mistaken. The Hakapiks are certainly no different from any other driver or motorcycle rider that is expected to obey the rules of the road.

The RCMP officers in Trinity Conception are fully occupied with a variety of minor and major duties ranging from the Liquor Control Act, Highway Traffic Act, Criminal Code investigations such as assaults, break and enters, thefts, mischief, sexual assaults, frauds, robberies, possession of child pornography and drug trafficking, just to mention a few. In addition there are any number of public assistance matters, property and neighbour disputes. They do not have "idle" time.
The Trinity Conception RCMP is very open to receiving information on any criminal or organized crime activity, either "up front" or "confidentially" from ANY member of the general public, this includes the Hakapiks. While all information cannot be acted upon, all information with respect to criminal activity is useful.
Crime Stoppers is now also available on Facebook and Twitter. Hopefully those avenues allow for easier sharing of information while protecting the anonymity of the provider.
S/Sgt. Robinson can be reached by phone at 596-5014.