Tuesday, September 21, 2010

CALIFORNIA:Not quite ‘hog’ heaven: 21 cited in motorcycle safety

http://www.google.com/url?sa=X&q=http://www.thesbnn.com/%3Fp%3D13948&ct=ga&cad=:s7:f2:v0:d1:i2:lt:e3:p2:t1284895209:&cd=AnJ1Og-fQrI&usg=AFQjCNHdTnzFsjSK7AOMXjmbFJ4NVpaevw Not quite ‘hog’ heaven: 21 cited in motorcycle safety operation Posted by SBNN on Sep 18th, 2010 and filed under CENTRAL COAST. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry
SANTA BARBARA – 9:26 pm – “Hog” is one of its nicknames; Harley, Honda and Ducati are among the popular models; but these days it’s not what you call it, the chrome or cost: it’s all about knowing what to do with that motorcycle on the road.
More bikes are being pulled over in Santa Barbara as cops crack down on illegal and unsafe bike riding.
Officers were out Saturday, September 18, conducting the second Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation in recent weeks.
Twenty-one motorcycle citations have been issued and 4 motorcycles have been impounded since last month.
SBPD says there were also a couple of busts for narcotics possession and possession of an illegal knife.
Another 36 citations were issued for other traffic violations.
The government says motorcycle fatalities in California have increased by 103%.
Information on training is available at the California Motorcyclist Safety Program, www.CA-msp.org or 1-877 RIDE 411 or 1-877-743-3411.