Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rann steps up war on bikies

August 5, 2010 - 5:14PM
South Australian Premier Mike Rann has declared a war of attrition against bikie "pond scum".

Recent shootings in Adelaide streets have prompted an angry response from the premier who announced the anti-gang taskforce would get an extra 10 officers.

"Basically we know that they're pond scum who kill each other and unfortunately innocent people get in the way," Mr Rann told reporters in Adelaide on Thursday.

"We're going to keep coming at them and we're not giving up."

The additional officers will increase the number of anti-gang taskforce officers to 54 with a further 17 specialist staff.

Earlier this week there was a drive-by shooting in the north eastern suburb of Andrews Farm linked to an ongoing feud between the Hell's Angels and the New Boys street gang.

Despite that incident on Tuesday, Mr Rann believes the taskforce is winning the fight against the state's gangs.

"They're under huge pressure, we've seen a whole range of bikie leaders move interstate to set up shop there because we're making it harder for them here," he said.

He admits there is "no silver bullet" to fix the problem.

But he said "we've seen drug bust after drug bust, raid after raid and arrest after arrest" in the "war of attrition" against bikie gangs.

Attempts by the gangs to fight anti-gang laws have also failed to deter the premier.

"They were successful on one per cent of our new laws and there's new laws coming in the next few weeks as well."

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