Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New York Rider Magazine

August 10, 3:43 PM
Albany Biker Culture ExaminerLisa Petrocelli

Five years ago, Carmella Brown, a wife and mother from Syracuse, New York, decided to take a big risk and launch a free magazine which would cater to bikers in New York, a magazine which would hopefully represent every motorcyclist in New York State, and provide each with a voice and a “home” to turn to for information, stories, and events happening in the biker community. Although this seemed almost impossible for one woman to accomplish, from Carmella’s dream, the first issue of New York Rider Magazine was pubished in December 2005, only 12 pages long and with only a handful of advertisers to start (16 total), and a small group of supporters, including Shane Gatto and Dino Petrocelli. Carmella was introduced to Shane by her cousin Louie Costa. The premier issue, though slim, made enough of an impact to start the chain of events that has propelled New York Rider Magazine to statewide (and more recently, international) recognition and praise.

It wasn’t long before the stories came pouring in from readers and by March 2006 the magazine was expanded to 24 pages, twice its original size. This year, 2010, the magazine averages between 37 and 50 pages per month, full of stories, event listings, advertisers, and information for all who are lucky enough to obtain a copy of New York Rider!

New York Rider has many people to thank for its huge success in such a short time. Those first few advertisers who took a chance and promoted their services in a brand new magazine were so appreciated. The readers who have contributed stories over the years have been invaluable, especially since the magazine was begun for the sole purpose of being a resource for bikers all across the state. The staff of NYR strives to cover every motorcycle event possible, not because we have to, but because we want to, and we NEED to be out there in the biker community where the stories are born.

New York Rider Magazine will be celebrating its 5th Anniversary this December 2010 and will begin with a celebration on October 9, 2010, at the Pinnacle Restaurant/Motel in Caroga Lake, New York. Watch this column and the pages of NYR for further details, and come celebrate with us!

Ride Safe ~