Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gangs squad HQ for Sydney: Abbott


A coalition government would establish the national headquarters of its planned violent gangs squad in western Sydney, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has announced.

"Western Sydney has long been the capital of the bikie gangs who are probably the most prominent contributors of violent-gang activity here in Australia," he told reporters while campaigning in the marginal Liberal seat of Greenway in Sydney's north-west on Monday.

The coalition has committed $10 million to establish the headquarters which would be fully operational from July 1, 2011.

Previously, it had committed $95 million for a 200-strong squad to be run through the Australian Crime Commission.

The work of the squad would be supported by a $33 million commitment to develop and implement a national violent gangs database to aid law enforcement agencies fight criminal activity.

Mr Abbott praised NSW police for their tireless and courageous efforts in protecting the community.

"Unfortunately they too have been let down by a state Labor government that has failed to give proper support to police," he said.