Sunday, August 29, 2010

Crime data leaked to bikie gangs

Nick McKenzie
August 28, 2010
.HIGHLY sensitive investigations into organised crime were compromised when an outlaw motorcycle gang, the Comancheros, received leaked police intelligence gathered by multiple agencies.

The infiltration of state and federal drugs investigations, described as one of the worst examples of corruption in the NSW police in recent years, put undercover police at risk.

Officials suspect the leaked information includes intelligence gathered by the Australian Crime Commission, the NSW state crime commission and the NSW police.

Some members of the Comancheros are allegedly involved in organised crime, including drug trafficking and extortion.

Police suspect the contents of more than a dozen NSW police files were obtained by the Comancheros, affecting up to eight criminal investigations.

The leaks jeopardised the safety of undercover police.

It is believed that after the leak was detected last year, authorities took urgent steps to protect an undercover police operative and to identify the leaker.

Late last year, NSW police anti-corruption investigators charged the suspected plant, police analyst Terry Gregoriou, with stealing three police documents. A loophole in NSW laws prevented police from charging Gregoriou with more serious offences.

''It is like he has been charged with stealing pencils after he burnt the classroom down,'' said a source.

Gregoriou has worked as an unsworn NSW police analyst for several years, including in jobs that gave him access to information about organised crime investigations.

A joint investigation by The Age and the ABC's Four Corners into organised crime - due to be shown on Monday - reveals the police leaks occurred during one of Australia's biggest multi-agency criminal inquiries.

The leaks are regarded by policing officials as among the worst cases of suspected corruption in the NSW police force in the past five years.

Law enforcement sources suspect associates of the Comancheros actively cultivated Gregoriou to work for them while simultaneously working for the police force.

After suspicion about Gregoriou's conduct began growing last year, law enforcement officials fed into the NSW police database misinformation about his associates to see if he would access it, which he allegedly did.

It is alleged Gregoriou leaked information to his close friend Peter Vassily, who in turn leaked it to associates of the Comancheros.

Vassily, 28, who is facing charges of receiving stolen goods and possessing prohibited items, has long associations with figures connected to outlaw bikie groups.

Vassily owns a real estate business, Deakin Industrial Realty, in the Sydney suburb of Arndell Park with Hakan Tukel, who, with his brothers Fidel and Baris Tukel, is linked to bikie gangs and organised crime figures. Baris Tukel is an associate of the Comancheros and Fidel Tukel is an associate of the Rebels.

Fidel and Hakan Tukel are well known in boxing circles. Fidel Tukel promotes boxing events in Sydney and Melbourne.

Gregoriou is suspended with pay from the NSW Police force. He will appear in court on Monday.