Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bikie breaks golden rule of silence in fatal airport brawl

Bellinda Kontominas
August 18, 2010 - 12:31PM

Giving evidence about a fatal brawl at Sydney Airport between two rival bikie gangs, an aspiring member of the Comanchero has broken one of the club's golden rules.

"The rules I learnt [were] make sure you shut your mouth, you don't talk to police if something happened to you," the man, known as AL, told Sydney West Trial Courts in Parramatta today.

The former Comanchero nominee had been associated with the club for about five weeks when, in March last year, he and a group of other members were called to the airport to pick up the club president, Mahmoud Hawi, and others who had been on a flight from Melbourne.

On the way, one man in the group he knew as "Turtle" received a text message from one of the men on the flight to hurry up as the Hells Angels were on the same flight, AL told the court.

They met the men at Gate 5 where a man he knew as Derek "shouldered" Mr Hawi.

Mr Hawi threw a hook at Derek, hitting him on the left side of the face, AL said.

"Mick said, 'You're like a pussy' before a fight broke out, the court was told.

AL said he received a punch to the face, which left "a big hole inside my mouth".

He did not see who threw the punch but then hit Derek.

A later fight between the rival groups resulted in the death of Hells Angels associate Anthony Zervas.

Ten Comanchero - Mr Hawi, Farres Abounader, Maher Aouli, Tiago Costa, Ismail Eken, Zoran Kisacanin, Frank La Rosa, Christian Menzies, Pomare Pirini and Usama Potrus - are charged with murder. Eight are also facing charges of riot and affray.

Mr Zervas's brother Peter and fellow Hells Angels members Musa Ovalle and David Padovan, have been charged with riot or affray.

The president of the NSW chapter of the Hells Angels, Derek Wainohu has not been charged.

The hearing continues.

Bellinda Kontominas is a Herald Court Reporter.