Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Biker charged in shooting death of Highwaymen club member

Paul Egan / The Detroit News
Detroit -- Police have charged a biker with the murder of indicted Highwaymen Motorcycle Club member Dennis Vanhulle after the victim scribbled his assailant's name on a piece of paper as he lay dying in the hospital.

Ronald Bishop Thompson, 31, of Madison Heights, also known as Ronald Hagendorf, faces a preliminary examination in 36th District Court Tuesday on a charge of first-degree murder. He is a member of the Liberty Riders motorcycle club, where he went by the club name "Tank."

Vanhulle, 43, who was awaiting trial in the federal racketeering case against the Highwaymen, was shot once in the throat after he answered the door of his Detroit home on Danbury, near Eight Mile, early in the morning of March 26.

But authorities and those who know Vanhulle, who went by the club name "Gone," do not believe the killing was related to the federal court case or to any feud between the Highwaymen and the Liberty Riders.

"Apparently they were some type of acquaintances," said Lt. Dwane Blackmon of the Detroit homicide division.

Sarah Tipsword, 28, the mother of Vanhulle's 8-year-old son Tyler, said Vanhulle and Thompson were close friends. She believes Thompson shot Vanhulle out of irrational jealousy after learning Thompson's wife had spent a night on Vanhulle's couch after she and Thompson fought.

Unable to speak because of his throat wound, Vanhulle answered by writing notes when asked who shot him, Blackmon said. One note said "Tank," another said "Hagendorf," he said. He died in Detroit Receiving Hospital in April after developing pneumonia.

Thompson, who could not be reached for comment, was arraigned July 15.

Vanhulle, who also left a 24-year-old daughter and a newborn grandchild, worked as a carpenter and was "a great person," Tipsword said.

"He cared about his family and he would give you the shirt off his back."

pegan@detnews.com (313) 222-2069

From The Detroit News: http://www.detnews.com/article/20100815/METRO/8150307/Biker-charged-in-shooting-death-of-Highwaymen-club-member#ixzz0woqlDNlW