Monday, August 23, 2010

August 10 Loud pipes are protection for those on motorcycles

MAINE: August 10 Loud pipes are protection for those on motorcycles
I recently read Bill Nemitz’s article about loud pipes on motorcycles. I believe if enforcement of this law is really pushed there’s going to be a lot more motorcycle deaths and injuries in Maine.
The noise of loud pipes is one of the few protections we have on a motorcycle. People just don’t know how scary it is to be riding down the road and have someone come to the intersection and stop and just glance your way and then just stare at the car coming from the opposite direction.
They start moving out a little at a time as the car gets closer to them, and the motorcyclist ask himself or herself, “Do they even see me? Is he going to pull right out front of me?”
It’s times like this, you’re glad your pipes are a little loud.
I do agree that some bikers do push the noise level to extremes, but the majority don’t. I don’t think a lot of bikers should have to die or be injured for life to get a few bad ones off the road.
I suppose we could ride around with horns blowing all the time, but I don’t think the public would like that either.
This law needs to be changed. I agree with Sam Gray’s letter on Tuesday. If lawmakers don’t support us bikers in changing this law, we won’t support you, and there’s tens of thousands of us. So, take notice. Loud pipes save our lives!
Craig R. Goldrup