Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Support Site launched to help B.O.L.T. Battle in Boston over Pipes

Support Site launched to help B.O.L.T. Battle in Boston over Pipes
Mon, 07/05/2010 - 01:37 — jan
The legal battle in Boston is ongoing and likely to be an expensive one, so to help defray some of the costs, there is a new web site for B.O.L.T. Support Gear.

From anywhere on the Friends of B.O.L.T. site, just click on Support at the top banner.

The status of the battle is that there is an injunction case but the City of Boston has passed the ordinance and not begun writing tickets, ... probably because they know they will lose. A ticket needs to be issued and the person who gets the ticket needs to contact B.O.L.T. and be listed as a plaintiff in order for the plaintiffs to "have standing".

If you get ticketed in Boston for not having an EPA stamp on your pipes, it is VERY important that you please contact B.O.L.T. of Massachusetts immediately. Also, any help you can give B.O.L.T. of Massachusetts by buying any support gear will be very appreciated.

Bill Gannon has written more about the Battle of the Pipes and you can read about it at the Support site.

In addition to cool t-shirts from B.O.L.T. freedom fighters in Massachusetts, the Official Quig Memorial Patch is listed on the site. Hopefully we'll have more support gear there soon. We are hoping sales of support gear will help some B.O.L.T. members defray at least some of the expenses of legal battles.

psst... If someone (other than one of my "spending way too much on legal battles" B.O.L.T. brothers and sisters) wants to buy me a gift for Veterans Day - yes, I am a veteran thank you, I already have an Official Quig Memorial Patch but would love one of those B.O.L.T. of Massachusetts Supporter t-shirts. Medium. Black. They do make great gifts, especially if you live so far from Boston that it is an exotic land.