Thursday, July 1, 2010

Motorcycle noise law opponent misses point

OFF THE WIRE Motorcycle noise law opponent misses point

I read the letter from Greg Friedman ("Motorcycle noise law will keep this rider away," June 23) with great amusement.

I don't understand someone who states there "are the bikers who should be held accountable" yet derides any effort to hold those bikers accountable.

I don't believe "Judy Day and her husband definitely have a vendetta against motorcyclists." I think that they have an appreciation for a quiet and civil society and should be applauded for their efforts.

It's that segment of the motorcycling public who, by making their machines as loud as possible, should be concerned with this law. Why would someone who rides a BMW or a Goldwing have any concern with a law designed to curb illegal noise?

Not everyone who rides a motorcycle holds peace and quiet in contempt. It's the 80 percent (according to the AMA) of Harley owners who feel that their special brand of noise pollution should be not only tolerated but welcomed and encouraged by every community under threat of "my money and I will go elsewhere."

Does the population that pays their taxes and obeys the laws of their state and community factor into this group's thinking? Does anyone other than the chopper culture have any rights? The answer is, of course they do. Everyone has the right to be free from illegal and invasive noise pollution. There is also a huge number of people who will go somewhere simply because that community promotes peace and quiet, rather than noise and mayhem.

And seriously Mr. Friedman, I wouldn't be waving the flag if my motorcycle put out 106 decibels. Any way you slice it, 106 is loud, way too loud. And if lawn mowers started producing 106 decibels, that would be another problem to confront. But for the time being, how about we stick to the subject at hand?

Paul Larive

Custer, S.D.