Saturday, July 31, 2010


UPDATE!! Bikerbits readers are the best! A few weeks ago bikerbits ran an article about an 82 year old Veteran, James Meehan, whose 1976 Sportster which was attached to a side car was stolen.
This listing drew attention not only from MA., but from folks in Illinois, and as far away as Wisconsin!
A listing on Craigslist from Maine was given to the Washington County Sheriff's Dept, for them to follow up on, from the Illinois reader.
I spoke with Paula of the Washington County Sheriff's Department yesterday, and she informed me that the department was finally able to gain access to the premises where the bike was; checked it out, and discovered it was not the same vehicle, unfortunately.
I then called Jim in Maine to inform him of the investigation's development, and he was so thankful that folks he didn't even know took enough interest to try and make a difference.
Jim, at age 82, is a senior aide, meaning that he will take elders to the doctor's for their appointments, deliver meals to shut ins, etc. He says "Everybody in town knows me and my bike!"
And I bet they do!
What I'd like to try and do, is somehow organize a fundraiser... simultaneously possibly from all over the country to attempt to raise funds to purchase Jim a new bike to replace the one that was stolen!
Possibly we could contact LoJack and see if they'd be kind enough to donate a LoJack system for the new bike, so this doesn't happen again!
Do I hear any interest from any of my readers? If so, let me
Thank you readers, who took the time to read Jim Meehan's story, and the time to contact me asking "HOW YOU COULD HELP"!

Right now there's a call into Harley Davidson put in by Joe OBorney from Illinois to see if possibly there's a way they could assist us in this. I also contacted the Chief of the Bangor Police on Facebook after I received a request from him to be his friend! Sent him the story... trying to get a rise from him as he is a lot closer to Jim.

And right now, there are people either willing to put on a fundraiser or there are people willing to send money to a fund... and this does our heart good!

Imagine if we could pull this off? And make the man whole again?

Again, there will be no bikerbits for the next couple of weeks.... but upon return, I hopefully will have some GOOD NEWS... stay tuned faithful readers!
And thank you all again! :*)