Friday, July 16, 2010

MAINE:Letter to the Editor Opinion

OFF THE WIRE Letter to the Editor Opinion July 14, 2010 2:00 AM July 12 — To the Editor:
This letter is in part a response to Brian MacKenzie's letter.
It is interesting to read the comments and opinions coming from the pro "ride loud" motorcycle people. There seems to be a total disconnect or lack of compassion for everyone that is disturbed by this noise. Their reasons range from the untrue and many times disproven "loud pipes save lives" claim, to proclaiming it is their right as an American to be as loud as they want. Really! This inability to relate to the concerns of those of us who are assaulted by this noise pollution day and night is the reason there are actual motor vehicle statues and laws requiring everyone to have a muffler of good working condition attached to their vehicle.
And everyone must have a proper working muffler affixed to whatever type of vehicle one operates. Or so it seems. With the huge popularity of cruiser bikes, dare I say "outlaw" style, the once quiet streets of Main Street USA have turned into a daily rerun of a motorcycle gang B movie.
So where is the enforcement of existing muffler laws? Why does the otherwise normal family guy buy a full-size pickup then proceed to remove a perfectly good and quiet muffler and attach a mega flow aftermarket exhaust with a 6-inch tail pipe? Does his family enjoy the additional noise produced by his truck? Do the neighbors enjoy knowing he is coming from down their street before they can see him?
So we have outlaw motorcycles, wannabe monster pickup trucks, and now I even get to experience a candy blue hot rod with no muffler whatsoever blasting by my house every day. Has Main Street USA become just another chopper/hot rod/bad manners cable reality show?
Please cancel my cable subscription. No more straight pipes outlaw biker build-it-yourself and blast down the highway with Steppenwolf playing in continuous loop for me. Oh wait, they are just outside of my house, in every town square and at a beach town near you. They are everywhere. Twisting the throttle and feeling freedom vibrate. Too noisy for you? Inescapable.
They could care less how we feel about their noise.
And I could care less what their hobby is. Or should I say "lifestyle." Just do not assume your freedom allows you to operate a vehicle without the correct sound-reducing system, exhaust or muffler. It is beyond rude and an assault on the environment.
I like relatively quiet motorcycles and have owned a few. The fact that many people do hate motorcyclists should be a message to the offenders that your anti-social antics are getting the response you desire. But I have noticed many loud riders like to get whatever attention they can, even if it is negative.
Call your local police department, state representative, town officials and tell them you have had enough. Ask them to enforce muffler equipment laws now in place and help work for tighter restrictions against violators. Tell them almost 40 percent of motorcycles operating in Maine do not have current inspection stickers.
This probably means they have removed the proper exhaust and also disconnected the required smog-reducing system. This will produce many times the pollution of a car, and did I mention the noise? Large fines and citations for illegal equipment will be the only way to remove these violators from the street. Join and and help work to eliminate loud mufflers from all vehicles.
Gary Campbell
Kittery, Maine