Thursday, July 29, 2010

Loud Motorcycles Ride Despite Noise Law Violation


In response to the article below:
Loud Motorcycles Ride Despite Noise Law Violation

Mr. Salinger-I note that your report didn't include how loud the City of Denver's OWN Police motorcycles are. When the ordinance was 'invoked', Denver's Police bikes were HARLEY DAVIDSONS. Those bikes were purchased new from the manufacturer & maintained according to manufacturer's specifications. Those bikes, AT THE FACTORY, measured 84 decibels (db), according to Federal mandate, which require all new models be tested. So it's no wonder Denver P.D. doesn't stop all those bikes that may have "modified" exhaust systems. I'll bet this little tidbit of information goes over real well with the local magistrates, every time some "biker", who's being harrassed, shows up in court to fight what is obviously a discriminatory law...huh?

Sincerely, David "Doc" Pratt, Secretary, JOURNEYMEN M/C