Saturday, July 24, 2010

'From the Fox Files': Inside the Sons of Silence

Sunday at 12 a.m. ET
Monday at 4 a.m. ET

The portal is open "From the Fox Files," and first is a story from Fox's "The Reporters" about the one percenters — outlaw biker gangs, specifically the "Sons of Silence." We profiled one of that gang's former leaders, Paul "P.K." Klein, who eventually was shot and killed in a Colorado bar in 1993. But while alive, Klein espoused the life of biker and gangster.

Our second story is about false confessions — people confessing to crimes that they didn't commit; even murder. Is it a defense attorney's gimmick or police pressure that makes innocent people confess?

Heading west, we covered the world's best cowboy, Ty Murray. The Michael Jordan of rodeo chased a seventh all-around title in 1999. Watch what took him to become the greatest.

And finally, we investigated those who illegally photoshopped images of women, some of them famous, and posted them online for profit. "Fox Files" spoke with Internet legend Cindy Margolis, who topped the list of the women who were being violated. Find out how she and others fought back.