Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Call it the revenge of "Easy Rider."

http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2010/jul/18/time-for-a-state-helmet-law/Time for a state helmet law Sunday, July 18, 2010

Call it the revenge of "Easy Rider."

Myrtle Beach, due to a ruling by the S.C. Supreme Court, had to refund $14,000 collected in tickets from motorcyclists for not wearing helmets in violation of a city ordinance.

The city lacks the authority to issue tickets for a practice that the state law allows, the court ruled.

Its decision probably produced some hearty laughter among the bikers, who have periodically been at odds with city officials over loud, congesting motorcycle rallies.

The city had to pay interest on the fines, as well.

The ruling should remind the Legislature to extend the state requirement for motorcycle helmets to all bikers, not just those under 21. Riding without a helmet is a safety hazard for all motorcyclists.

Motorists are required to wear seat belts to improve their chances in an accident.

Bikers should be required to wear helmets to prevent death or serious brain damage when collisions inevitably occur.