Thursday, July 15, 2010

ABATE of Florida elections raises more questions among members, we hear ya!

OFF THE WIRE 11/10 ABATE of Florida elections raises more questions among members, we hear ya!
Since the recent Board of Directors elections we have received a number of e-mails from members unhappy with with what they perceive as unfair practices.
It appears the info in a previous post, is not evidence only a few have done the math to demonstrate how the deck is stacked against any opposition to the current sitting President/lobbyist and cronies.
We have received a number of e-mails pointing out the same staked deck math, along with a number of questions we have asked before, such as just how long is a life member kept on the rolls as members after they have died?
Besides questions however, we have also been getting some fairly revealing insight as to just what a pack of lies (in our opinion of course) the current foundation of ABATE of Florida rests on.
There is no way we can print all that we have received. Nor is there any way we can prove or disprove them without revealing names we chose not to reveal.
What we can and will do is print some that we believe, based on our own experience and previous posts, raise pertinent issues and have at a certain amount of credibility based on info being received by more than one member.
What we will not do, as we have refrained from doing in the past, is print the names of female members referred to as "a slut" by the president/lobbyist of ABATE of Florida. We have included names of current and former board members who do know the truth, but for some reason are to afraid make it public.
Also since some of the e-mails received contained e-mails from other individuals we have decided not to use any names as providers of information.
As usual, any member who has information contradicting that which we print is free to send it to us. Please try to send something more substantial than, "that ain't so!"
We have received at least a number of communications regarding the 09 FLorida legislative session, SB968, Senator Garcia and Representative Evers. This was the session where the President/lobbyist of ABATE of Florida blamed this writer and others for the failure of a "poorly written stiffer penalties bill".
What we have since learned, is that at various times during that session the President/lobbyist of ABATE of FLorida could not be found or contacted. That on at least one occasion he stated he was not the lobbyist stating that two other individuals were the lobbyist. That he engaged in temper tantrums whereby he accused other board members of going behind his back and trying to screw him over. More than one current BOD member and at least two former BOD members (since resigned) knows the truth of these matters as they witnessed it.
However they have not only elected to keep their mouths shut keeping this information from the general membership of ABATE of FLorida, but stand by silently as people who were not to blame for James D. Reichenbachs failures were and are blamed.
We find this a sad commentary on individuals who represent an organization that professes to be the voice of all Florida Bikers. This writer for one feels that most Florida Bikers have more integrity and balls than to stand sheepishly by while their "leader" blatantly misrepresents the truth. In our mind, doing so makes them as guilty as their leader and part and parcel of the decline in reputation and membership of ABATE of Florida.
The following is but an example:
Which leaves us with a couple questions:
If James D. Reichenbach is representing himself (which we have always, somewhat tongue in cheek stipulated) and the other two individuals are "ABATEs lobbyist," Why is James D, Reichenbach being paid and the other two aren't? If James D. Reichenbach "is" the lobbyist how is it that he is unresponsive to other BOD members trying to do his job in his absence? We should point out that during this time Mr. Reichenbach had a death in the family. However the type of behavior exhibited above has been exhibited before and after said occurrence. It also demonstrates a lack of professionalism that I am sure has been noticed at the capital. What hold does James D. Reichenbach have over those who are keeping their mouth shut allowing others to take the blame for his failures? Does it having anything to do with his position with the National Coalition of Motorcyclists/Aid to injured Motorcyclists?
This from another member (Emphasis ours):
Mostly what ABATE needs is a reporting guideline. I have also argued that a "small" committee be established to interact with the Lobbyist. This would allow for a review of bills that ABATE wants to "officially" support or not, and require that bills to be "introduced" by ABATE go through a review of this committee. This would keep a Lobbyist from introducing a bill without our knowledge. This committee would need to be close-lipped as well if "inside" information is discussed, which happens frequently in the Lobbying World. If the lobbyist is smart, a lot of this information will not be directly discussed except in generalities. The committee would be made up of the State President and VP, plus an odd number of representative Chapter Presidents. My suggested example was two from the largest Chapters and three elected by the delegation. Danny Fish was interested in discussing this idea more, but Doc shot it down in a heartbeat. It was never openly discussed at a BOD meeting.
Related to the incident at the ABATE campground in Daytona this year:
...........the mediation panel was held Saturday. Other than the two principals, everyone else received and accepted apologies. Between the two principals, apparently things got heated and they had to be restrained. The mediation broke up with nothing solved between them. I was told the victim plans to take it to the next level but didn't hear what that entailed..............
Last I heard, this was going to be handled in the courts
Related to money questions consistently asked, never clearly answered????
He receives $50K per year as Lobbyist and receives a 1099MISC annually for taxes. He receives devices and reimbursements for certain expenses - cell phone, pager (at one time), travel expenses (which is muddied up because of being President), etc. - from ABATE He receives additional monies directly from Chapters for Lobbying expenses.
The accounting for the "additional" monies... however, it has been pointed out that the individual Chapters that give these donations must also account for this through the Chapter's bank account and that the State is supposed to issue a separate 1099MISC for those funds just as though it were a payment to a Band at a party making over $600 per year. You will notice that these additional funds are always provided by check and not cash, so it would be hard to hide from an actual audit. Keep in mind that just a year ago, we went through a very extensive audit and there were problems with 1099MISC report errors. I have never heard what all the errors were, but examples were given as bands, other vendors at parties, and the motorcycle give-a-way.
We were aware of IRS citation of the failure to pay taxes on the motorcycle. As to 1099MISC report errors, we are unaware of any that were released to the general public or general membership.
As to receiving checks from chapters:
.........was that he never keeps any of the checks as it would mean he'd have to report them and that would put him into a more serious reporting requirement. None of the checks ever go into the state bank account(s)...................
We ourselves have witnessed checks in large amounts being presented to the President/lobbyist of ABATE. Often with the declaration "to be used as the lobbyist see's fit". Being the cynic we are we are fairly sure that if the check is for less than $10,000.00 and cashed at the bank on which it is drawn it is just possible it might escape an audit. Especially when there are problems with chapter reporting?
As we have posted previously there is discussion in ABATE of Florida about reviewing the by-laws. However it seems some are concerned re: the process as it is proposed that it violates Robert Rules of Order which the bylaws dictate the organization must follow. That comes as know surprise to us as we ourselves have witnessed violations of by laws and Roberts Rules of order (at least as they were written when we were a member).
At the July Training meeting, Doc told the President's meeting the board was considering setting up the standing committee to review all the incoming bylaw suggestions. When we got to the August meeting, he'd already appointed his lackeys and the delegates ahd no chance to appoint one of our own...........authority to set up a standing committee because he had none according to the bylaws. The proper way would have been to follow one of the four methods in RONR and set up a standing committee using RONR OR change the bylaws first.
And then I will leave the following up to others to interpret.
Article XII Section 13 No chapter shall host, sponsor or financially contribute to any event or function that does not maintain 100% of its income to benefit ABATE of FLORIDA, Inc. for a period of one (1) calendar year from the time it receives its charter.
Actually we will comment. How does this relate to a poker run to benefit veterans? Is this how a chapter probates?
We could go on, however one of the problems that we see is that many of what is sent us regards issues we have already posted about over the years. Either here or at Bruce an rc's Biker Forum.
What we believe happens is as older members become disgusted and quit, there are few left to educate the newer members as to the history. It would seem that those older members who are left have some sort of personal vested interest in sweeping things under the rug and maintaing the veil of secrecy for the sole purpose of keeping a little dictator in power.
We have to ask ourselves why? What do they get out of it? Is it their own little chapter kingdom? Is it for fear of losing an identity they never had?
Those are questions we can not answer and are not really of our concern as pertains to each individual member of ABATE of FLorida.
Our concern is, as it is with with the Robber Barons of Governments and Corporations who take our tax dollars with one hand and screw us with the other.
With ABATE of Florida however lives are at stake. To date they have received taxpayer dollars to be used for motorcycle safety. They can not call themselves a safety and rights organization as they could not get state money for "motorcycle rights". As to motorcycle safety I challenge ABATE of Florida to provide a statistical study using commonly accepted research methods to demonstrate that their efforts have done anything more than create an illusion that "something" is being done to save lives.
Because I would submit to you that the money going to ABATE of FLorida is taking money in the name of dead motorcyclist to enrich themselves!
Some links that may lead you to look for more links:
ABATE of Florida, what the hell.........what we have been telling you is what SB968 Wheres the Money Doc? President ABATE of Florida Is ABATE of FLorida imploding-are the lies coming home to roost? Is ABATE of Florida being rewarded for failure? Are we being ripped off again? open letter to ABATE of FLorida-Back it up or SHUT UP! ABATE of Florida finally sees the light HB 137 is very Bad law. One letter from a politician (Cantera) One from lobbyist (Reichenbach)?? X-Files??? Former Whitesands Chapter President of ABATE of Florida Speaks out ABATE of Florida President and lobbyist and NCOM chairman, Violates State Financial Disclosure law Wheres the Money Doc? President ABATE of Florida A must read for every ABATE of Florida member
A number of these go back as far 2008 or further. We have included post by persons other than ourselves. Searching this site Bruce an rc's Biker Forum. will also help. The post above are only a sampling and more can be found by searching the labels (in alphabetical order) below or using the search box using terms such ABATE of FLorida, ABATE of florida lobbyist, etc. or searching the archives.
Some of the posts above have links that take you to other links that either validate or expand on information regarding the totalitarianism and lies of ABATE of Florida.
Well respected Bikers and MRO's (such as Bikers of Lessor Tolerance).
So why is it you don't hear about it in the fluff rags that pass for Biker Publications these days.
We believe the best way to find information in todays time is not to really on traditional news sources, but to "follow the money", see:
ABATE pimpin for Richard Lester?
We are sure that in most Biker Rags you have seen the full page glossy ads for NCOM/AIM. Those ads are not cheap!
Now pretend you are a Magazine editor. Now pretend that you are presented with a story that reflects badly on one OF THE OFFICERS of your most dependable sources of income. WOULD YOU PRINT IT? In these days of hard times?
It is a sad reflection of the times when BIKER's, paragons of independence, the stereotype of bad ass, the wave at you as your going down the road because we are all brothers road warriors, either stick their freaking heads in the sand or buy into Harley marketing ploy "screw it lets ride!"
Only in such a world can SMURF become KING!
Now, lets all sit around and sing, He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother
Are we riding free yet?