Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Veteran's Moutain Run

I just received this message from Local 58 member Robin Vanderpool. Would
somebody please post to discussion. Thanks!

FB wouldn't let me post my commentary on the wall. Please get this out there
This should be an issue when this jackass is up for re-election. I was even
stalked by 3 Arvin City Police at Circle K.

It is really a shame that tax-paying and law-abiding citizens become outlaws
and potential criminals simply by throwing a leg across a motorcycle.

The Veteran's Mountain Run, in it's 7 year history, has never had a single
incident that would require law enforcement intervention. But, the sherriff
again decided Kern County could afford to pay overtime to dozens of deputies
and city police officers to surround and intimidate the attendees. On Friday
night, 7 occupied CHP, KCS and different city police cars were parked
outside the fence facing the event, 2 at the entrance and several stopping
motorcycles on the streets. There were appoximately 16 SWAT and other
uniformed officers posturing inside the event.

Ironically, of the 5 patched clubs that I observed at the event, 3 were law
enforcement clubs. The only club that might be a concern, was represented by
about 6 members and were only there about 4 hours on Saturday. Just long
enough to contribute to the cause through their purchases. While they were
there, 19 SWAT and CHP positioned themselves in a circle around the members
and took numerous photos of their motorcycles and the people in the crowd
near them.

As a result of these tactics, The attendees dropped from about 500 to maybe
200 before the raffle tickets were even drawn. The people left due to
concerns about what the sherriff was expecting to happen. The undue fear he
imposed on the public caused Funds for Freedom to lose countless dollars
from lost sales and outstanding entertainment was waisted on a reduced
audience. I sure hope he's proud of the impact he had on our military
veterans and their families.

Robin Vanderpool