Wednesday, June 23, 2010

MN: Police Cracking Down On Motorcycle Safety Police are stepping up law enforcement on motorcycles


So here's what I want to know.... will they be stopping people for not wearing "BRIGHT COLORED CLOTHING? Or wearing sneakers as opposed to boots? What?
The statement is so broad.... it's subject to interpretation, and we know when law enforcement is allowed to interpret on their own without specifics, it could possibly be a problem... guess we'll have to wait and see what other articles pop up!
MINNESOTA: Police Cracking Down On Motorcycle Safety Police are stepping up law enforcement on motorcycles.
Law enforcement agencies are cracking down on reckless riders because they say we are just getting into the deadliest time of year for them.
Police say the top two factors in crashes are speed and alcohol. They will be pushing the importance of having proper gear such as helmets and boots and bright colored clothing.