Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last Call From a Cell Phone

Okay this one speaks volumes about cell phone usage while in the car…

Her last call was from a new cell phone...

Do you see the motorcycle?

Now do you see it?

The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately
85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she
pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the
motorcycle. The riders reaction time was not sufficient
enough to avoid this accident.
The car had two passengers
and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them.
The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact
and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place.

All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were
killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at
the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department..
Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be
new drivers, or new motorcycle owners
A picture is worth a thousand words.

Save a life…

Stop talking on Cell phones and Texting while trying to drive.
The life you save may be your own..... or mine...

Keep passing this on so everyone will see what can happen by using a CELL PHONE while driving.riving

Actually, these pictures have been running around the internet for almost 10 years. I assumed we’ve all seen them more than once.

Of course we all know that the message is not real. It’s an advertisement. And we all know that advertisements are not real--- they are only meant to send a message.

In the case of these pictures, they have been used by municipal safety bureaus and high school driver’s ed programs for every issue from speeding to drunk driving.

These days the hot issue is driving while texting &/or talking on your cell.

BUT the funny part of this message is that it is supposed to be put on by some bureaucrats “at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department” and they are bitching about cell phoning while driving---- YET NO ONE IS BITCHING ABOUT THE CROTCH ROCKET RIDER DOING 85 M.P.H. THROUGH AN INTERSECTION?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!

I couldn’t stop laughing at that part (didn’t anyone else pick up on that?).

Oh well, hopefully the photographer is making a good buck off of all the royalties for these pictures being used over and over again--- they really are great pictures (but, as they are “government-owned” pictures, are the subjects for real or were they fabricated just for display purposes---- like that same crashed car we see on the front lawns of police departments every prom season?).

These images have been flying around the web in emails for over 3 years with various bullshit captions attached from both sides of the fence. So, I guess to some degree you can polish a turd.
B.O.L.T. Delaware

Do some research on snopes.com. The accident is real, the 'cell phone' infor is bullshit.

The biker reportedly was going about 150mph (or was it kph). Anyway, his speed was excessive, and he couldn't react to slow down quick enough.

The pics are cool tho'!