Sunday, June 27, 2010

Helmets, Pipes, Handlebars = PROFILING

Profiling occurs when law enforcement targets an individual or group
exhibiting characteristics of a class that is believed more likely than others to
commit a crime. The practice of targeting an individual or group because they are
riding a motorcycle or wearing motorcycle paraphernalia is a perfect
example of profiling.

This is the basis for all of the subjective laws and their use in detainment
of any subculture.

Quite simply, someone in LE has convinced Senator Pavley that the problem
is noise and compliance. She is being hoodwinked and used to push for a law that will
just give LE a stronger CHARACTERISTIC position to profile motorcyclist; specifically
the perceived OMG.

If ABATE of California, or any MRO does not see this for what it is, and are baited
into playing the compliance or safety GAME; accepting compromise and making deals;
they are not standing up for RIGHTS of the US Constitution!

Call it what it really is, and fight it from the position of strength. WE have become
accustom to playing by their rules. This proposed law is nothing more than a ploy to
give LE a stronger tool to PROFILE!

Since the first law about helmets/exhaust/handlebars; the goal has
always been to give Law enforcement a perceived authority to
stop motorcyclists for reasonable suspicion. The true reason behind
any of these statutes has been and will continue to be the the creation
of tools for LEA to gather information.

Think about it. Who is the likeliest of the motorcycle community to question
authority, and take it to the very edge of the law? Not the RUB, not the wannabe,
not the poseur; it is and always has been primarily the Club member. And this
is why LE is so adamant about pushing these type of laws. Whether LE pushes for it
publicly, or behind the scenes; they are always present. Afterall, who is going
to do the enforcement on the street?

I am not saying to give up on any argument you have made in response to their claims.
That is necessary, however those are simply the PeeWee Herman platforms; "I know
you are, but what am I!"

No one wins the opinion debate. There is no imperical data, and as long as that game
is being played, we lose!

ALL of these type of statutes, in-spite of the stated intentions, are aimed at giving
law enforcement a broad range in which to stop, detain, investigate, photograph,
and gather a data base of information against perceived OMG's.

So what if some of the collateral damage is to those LE perceive to be harmless.
Do not back down! Do not compromise! do not play their statistical, compliance to
federal standard game!

I suggest getting in touch with the ACLU, Al Sharpton, and as many minority support
groups as possible, and get them on-board.

This is most certainly about Discrimination, turf war, profiling. It is a violation of,
at very least, the 14th amendment.

If any of you think this is about noise, safety, and/or the environment, it is NOT!
