Monday, January 3, 2011

Conneticut Passes Law to Make Bike Training Mandatory

Score one for the big guys in Hartford, Conn. as they step into the good graces of The Rodders. Why do you ask? Well, someone over there had the bright idea to require all individuals to take a training course that want a motorcycle license. And just who was that special someone? None other than the Governor, Jodi Rell. Thanks Gov, for strapping on a common sense helmet and trying to protect motorcyclist from being the next statistic.

I know, some of you readers think I have a bleeding heart for the motorcyclist community, like you're incapable of making your own decisions whether or not to wear a helmet. Not the case at all. I’m all for freedom of choice, and I love motorcycling just like the rest of you, but when you're in the industry for 10+ years, you see some stuff. I’ve seen mothers cry, sons lose their dads, and guys and gals lose limbs, because of: 1. Inexperience 2. Stupidity 3. Freak accidents.

More people go because of 1 or 2, believe it or not, so however we can help protect people while they’re doing what they love, I’m all for it. We all look at motorcycling as a passion. It’s not like overseas where it’s a way of life and the main mode of transportation.

We’re not supposed to die doing a hobby. If people started kicking the bucket while they were fishing, shooting pool, or building a model car, you better believe some actions would be taken, but the simple fact is that motorcycling is dangerous, especially in the US. Drivers don’t look out for us, and a good portion of riders don’t wear the proper gear, or have a clue of what they’re doing on the road. Training, Regulations, and Rider Responsibility are key components to making riding a safer endeavor for all of us who love two-wheels. Now will it curb all accidents, not in the least bit; but if it can save just one life, I would say it’s worth it.

Call me a socialist, call me a Nancy, or just call me a jackass. I don’t care, but I do know this…The only reason I can even sit here at my little computer and complete a sentence is because a helmet saved my noggin. Eat the truth people, it tastes like candy.