Monday, June 14, 2010

All Patriots:

All Patriots:

I believe it is time that we revisit the purpose and functions of The Patriot Network. I also believe it is necessary at this time not only to inform the new members but to remind the old that we are, hopefully, a group of Patriots who have joined together in the quest to rescue our endangered Republic. We do this by networking to others who are on our list and striving to recruit others to do the same. Our methods are very simple and straight forward. We research information current as to what is going on in Washington and put the hot button items on the net. We endeavor to always be truthful as to the facts presented. Now having said that I must add that there is no way we can relay everything we see because do to the amount of information received not only sending would be impossible but receiving would be constant. It is our task, we feel, to send enough information to provide you with talking points and material to recruit new members. I know that most if not all of you are aware that we have a government presently in power in Washington who wants to fundamentally change our Democratic Republic to a Marxist Socialistic form of government. We have reached this point in our history because we have a detached, uninformed and sadly in most cases apathetic electorate. Now being aware of our present crisis we must as True Patriots answer Our Country’s call to educate, inform, motivate and engage others so that in November we can deliver enough intelligent voters to the polls to begin Rescuing Our Republic and start restoring our rights and liberties granted under our Constitution. There is an old saying in Washington, “ You are either at the table or you are on the menu”, fellow Patriots at present we are on the menu. I could list all of those at the table but I am certain that in previous emails and news you have acquired elsewhere you have some idea who they are.

Now as to our method of operation which is not only simple but when used properly can be very effective. This by the way is why the Obama administration is trying to take over the Internet, we are a power he could do without.
Step one--- I research the net and other sources for the most current or informative information pertaining to the activities of our government. I also receive information form fellow Patriot members. As I have stated before I hopefully select the most current hot button item to put on the network. I must mention at this time that I do not flood your email with too many items as I believe that after a while most would become numb and uninterested.
Step two--- Any emails you receive and have read forward to your list whose members will also do the same and so on. If this method is followed we follow this procedure you can see we will pyramid into not only thousands but we can move into the millions. I am now sending out approximately 1500 emails at a time and if each person on the list sends to only ten people by the fourth layer we have reached over a million. You are a power in the quest to rescue our Republic and Obama is afraid of you because he knows what can be done on the Internet when it is used effectively by an informed electorate. As a matter of fact you may have see Obama on TV stating that there are people on the Internet interfering with his programs and policy’s.
Step three--- Do everything you can to add to your list, the more people we the better off we will be in November. I add to my list every day and do not find it too time consuming. And please forward all you receive because unless you do the system will not work.

Note: I have talked to people who are on our network who inform me that they either do not have the time to or do not take the time to read and forward the emails. To those who feel that way I can only say you are letting yourself and your country down. I will also say that if you feel that way please have the courtesy to send me an email to remove your name from the list. I believe that in time of crisis, which is where our Republic is now, one should either, lead, follow or get out of the way.

Nyle Clay