Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The following message is from Jerry of the US Defenders. I watched the proceedings in California, via webcast (I'm on the Atlantic coast), and agree completely. James Lombardo and ABATE betrayed bikers, not just in California, but across the country. They sold you all out! They can't be trusted to defend motorcyclists rights. Rights are too precious to give away, and it is especially shameful when you pretend to do it on behalf of bikers. That's my personal opinion. It is what it is... jan

Message to ABATE

ABATE ! I implore you to pass this on to your poor excuse of a lobyist and the state officials that represent your organization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The word is getting out NATION WIDE to all ABATE members and to the US Defenders Org.!!!!!!
As the U.S. Defenders Org. Commander for the State of California you and your ABATE back stabbers going neutral and colluding with the legislature on this bill tells me that you enjoy sleeping with the enemy. The compromise you displayed at the capitol today was the epitamy (SP?) of ass kissing. The fathers of this country didn't compromise. It is apparent to me now since I was there and heard it with my own ears in disbelief that ABATE supports the ammendaments and wants to remain neutral (takeing a FUCKING BACK SEAT) to
this watered down version of legislation and call it a win win tells me that you are not a true motorcycle rights activist organization. I will not, nor will my club support ABATE ever again. I will advocate that ABATE OF CALIFORNIA speaks with a forked tongue and can never be trusted like most politicians. I will encourage ABATE members as well as any club or Org. that rides in California to stop supporting your functions and kill you financially because you truly do not represent Motorcycle Riders Rights in California. I truly hope that this gets out on a National level so everyone can see how you screwed us over in California. Senator Pavely tried to sell the transportation committee memebers that BUBS Pipes and AMA was on board with her. I sent AMA an E mail on the 21st of this month and they responded to my E-mail. They were in person to express opposition to the bill and made that emphaticly clear at the opposition meeting today. Senator Pavely likes to incorporate B.S. in her opening remarks to get the transportation committee to believe her. If there is no one there to challenge the crap she puts in her opening remarks then the transportation committee takes her word. My jaw dropped when she said that ABATE supports her bill and the ammendments but remains neutral. The ABATE lobbyist stood up and concurred!!!!! I defy any ABATE member to challenge me on this because I WAS THERE! George Washington didn't compromise with the British. If he had what kind of place would we Americans be living in? ABATE would rather compromise than go for broke. I on the other hand will not. I am an American and will not allow government to erode away my inaliagnable rights nor desicrate the Constitution which protects me from the government. Every U.S.Defender rep and COC Club and its members needs to know the truth so ask the clubs and other biker brothers that were there. Spread the word.

Jerry Lee
U.S. Defenders Org. Commander California