Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MMA Meeting-Falmouth “Noise Ordinance” ByLaw


Thursday, April 15, 2010 MMA Meeting-Falmouth “Noise Ordinance” ByLaw
Tuesday April 20th at 7PM at the Gus Canty Recreation Center, 790 Main Street, Falmouth, MA.

The MMA is working with local Falmouth riders to meet and discuss the recently passed “Noise Ordinance” just voted into place at the annual Falmouth Town Meeting. All Riders are invited to attend this meeting.

MMA representatives attended the three nights of Town Meetings to argue against this bylaw, but saw it passed by the 2/3 majority needed. The new bylaw still needs approval from the Attorney General before being signed into law.

This new Falmouth bylaw is based on existing M.G.L. Chapter 90, Section 16 (90-16) which relies upon subjective “Harsh and Objectionable” language. Subjective language means different things to different people and even changes with location and time.

90-16’s subjective language also does NOT allow a rider to determine whether they are in compliance.

The MMA points out that existing M.G.L. Chapter 90, Sections 7S, 7T, and 7U define objective testing standards to determine legality. Last summer’s 25+ 90-16 citations written in Sterling & Princeton were recently dismissed due to the lack of test results.

The MMA believes in Education over Legislation and reminds all riders that “Responsibility begins with the Rider”. Consider the area you are in and time of the day or night before grabbing a whole lot of throttle.

The MMA further requests that anyone receiving 90-16 citations in Falmouth, or anywhere else, to contact Remain vigiliant in your area, check your communities Town Meeting Warrants and make sure your town doesn't do the same.

For more information please visit or e-mail ------------- Michigan: Object&objectName=2009-HB-4747

House Bill 4747: Vehicles; motorcycles; motorcycle helmet requirement; abolish. Amends sec. 658 of 1949 PA 300 (MCL 257.658).

4/13/2010: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGULATORY REFORM ------------- Annual Motorcyclist Advisory Council survey launched.

The Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC) to the Federal Highway Administration has made recommendations to U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and his predecessors on various topics, including items for the federal highway appropriations bill and encouraging the use of motorcycles as a form of congestion relief. Of special significance was the creation and approval of the yearly Motorcyclist Road Conditions Survey. The purpose of the survey is to better communicate to the MAC, road construction engineers, and transportation safety officials the specific needs of motorcyclists that should be considered when developing new roadways or altering existing routes. You can access the survey at