Saturday, January 1, 2011

New rules and regulations for 2011

New rules and regulations for 2011

 December 31, 2010  When the ball drops signaling the start of 2011, Californians face more than learning to write a new year on checks. There are a number of new laws that go into effect Jan. 1 as well.
Most of the new laws impact motorists. The California Highway Patrol is reminding the public to familiarize themselves with the new laws before Jan. 1 to avoid being stopped or cited.
“The new laws are designed to make California roadways safer for travelers regardless of their mode of transportation,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow.
Below is a brief look at some of the new laws.
• One of the new laws includes completion of a motorcycle safety course administered by the CHP for anyone under 21 who wants to obtain a motorcycle instruction permit. This is AB 1952 and was added to the Vehicle Code.
• AB 1848 deals with motorcycle theft, making it a misdemeanor to possess, give, or lend any device designed to bypass the factory-installed ignition of a motorcycle to start the engine without the manufacturer’s key or any motorcycle ignition or part of motorcycle ignition, with the intent to unlawfully take or drive, or to facilitate the unlawful taking or driving of a motorcycle, without the consent of the owner.
• Low emission vehicles bearing the yellow and white clean air stickers can continue to use the high occupancy vehicle traffic lanes. Hybrids with yellow clean air access stickers set to expire the beginning of January 2011 are given a six-month extension until July 1. White clean air access stickers are valid until Jan. 1, 2015. Additionally, SB 535 provides that starting in 2012, 40,000 HOV access stickers can be issued to early purchasers of Enhanced Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicles.
• A new law that goes into effect Jan. 1 allows motorists to record their passengers inside the vehicle as long as the occupants are notified that their conversations may be recorded. AB 1942 amends the Vehicle Code to allow a video event recorder to be mountain in a 7-inch square space in the lower corner of a vehicle windshield on the passenger side, or a 5-inch square in the lower corner of the vehicle windshield on the driver’s side, outside of an airbag deployment zone. It is legal to mount the video event recorder in a 5-inch square in the center uppermost portion of the interior of the windshield.
The law also defines a video event recorder and requires a vehicle equipped with one to have a notice posted in a visible location which states that a passenger’s conversation may be recorded. In addition, this law lays out rules for recording events, notes who the rightful owner of the footage is, and who is entitled to a copy of the recording.
• Emergency Alert System: Law Enforcement Officers Blue Alert is similar to an Amber Alert. This alert system goes into effect if a law enforcement officer is killed, suffers serious bodily injury or is assaulted with a deadly weapon, and the suspect has fled the scene of the offense.
If the investigating agency determines that the suspect poses an imminent threat to the public or other law enforcement personnel, the blue alert is issued. A detailed description of the suspect’s vehicle or license plate is available for broadcast. Public dissemination of available information may help avert further harm or accelerate apprehension of the suspect.
• AB 2756 deals with mobile billboard advertising displays and defines such displays as advertising attached to a wheeled, mobile, nonmotorized vehicle that carries, pulls or transports a sign or billboard for the primary purpose of advertising. This bill also amended the Vehicle Code to give local authorities the ability to adopt rules/regulations by ordinance/resolution to regulate mobile billboard advertising. This includes establishing penalties that could authorize removal of the mobile billboard advertising display. In addition the mobile billboard advertising display may be towed when left parked or standing in violation of a local ordinance.
• SB 1318 defines a utility trailer as a trailer or semi-trailer used solely for the transportation of the user’s personal property, which cannot be used in commerce, cannot exceed gross weight of 10,000 pounds, but can be used for transportation of livestock.
This bill also amended Section 5201 of the Vehicle Code to require license plates to be mounted parallel to the ground so the characters are upright and display from left to right.
• Section 21755 of the Vehicle Code, which allows drivers of vehicles to pass on the right under specified conditions, was amended to clarify that it does not prohibit a bicyclist from passing on the right in either a bicycle lane or on a shoulder.
For complete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2010 please refer to the Legislative Counsel website at